What is the project SIMPLE?
The initiative is an ERASMUS-SPORT-2023-SSCP (Project no. 101134763) project named
“SIMPLE: Sport, Inclusion, Movement, Participation, Learning, Environment”. The project aims
to build a nexus between sport, social inclusion and environmental protection through physical
activity, sustainable practices and a connection with local nature. The activities of the project
are focused on the inclusion of people with disabilities through sport.
In particular, the project aims to achieve the following specific objectives:
To promote equal access to sport and recreational activities for people with disabilities as a
tool to prevent discrimination and enhance equal opportunities and well-being, tackling
specific barriers based on lack of accessibility and inclusion in sport for people with
To promote the involvement of young people in sports from an early age to create life-long
habits that positively impact their health and well-being.
To raise the awareness of citizens about their impact on the environment, engaging them
with sustainable sports activities.
To increase the capacity of the grassroots sport sector, social organizations and public
authorities to promote inclusion through sport and increase equal participation in sport for
youth and people with disabilities.
Project partners:
Moana60 Spirit of Community APS (Moana60), Vicenza – Italy
Institute for Youth Initiatives and innovations (IYII), Varna – Bulgaria
Association Europeenne Pour la Democratie Locale (ALDA), Strasbourg – France
Center for Education and Innovation (InnoVED), Volos – Greece
Target groups:
Young people under 15 years old
People with disabilities, including vision impairments, deafness or hard of hearing,
mental health conditions, intellectual disability, acquired brain injury, autism spectrum
disorder, physical disability.
Until December 2024, the partnership will be focusing on the following Work Packages:
WP1: Project Management and coordination
WP2: Context analysis of European and local realities
WP3: Co-design of sporting activities
WP4: Inclusion and environmental learning through sport
WP5: Communication and dissemination
Find more about the project on the social media pages Facebook, Instagram and also in the
dedicated section on partner’s websites: ALDA, IYII.