SIDE press release
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Successful Innovators on Digital Culture Citizenship Project
Successful Innovators on Digital Culture Citizenship Project (SIDE) project partners announced that they have started implementing their practices starting with March this year in 6 european countries Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Poland, Italy and Belgium. The project is co-funded by the European Commission with a primary focus on developing tools as measures to accelerate digital transformation and use of digital means to adapt to the way creative products, cultural goods, and events are created,
managed, disseminated, accessed, and consumed. The project aims to equip young people with the necessary educational material and tools, as well as with competencies needed to come up with creative and innovative solutions and overcome unprecedented risks and skills inequalities, as well as to unveil professional opportunities that can be sought in a critical context.
The project comes as a result to the need to adapt to the current realities as the COVID 19 crisis has hit the cultural and creative sectors (CCS) particularly hard. Education and training opportunities for youth have also been interrupted for long period, creating long-term implications for post-COVID-19 recovery. Although the pandemic intensified the uncertainty and anxieties for the future, it also helped to create new business models with market potential for young people, in helping to address both the major societal challenges that CCS are facing in light of this global crisis but also the opportunities for them that the crisis has brought to the fore. Building on the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on both the education and the CCS, strategic complementarities can be developed.
The partnership will work together, in the fields of formal, informal, and non-formal education, supporting the CCS by empowering young people through enhancing necessary digital skills for promoting Arts and Culture. Moreover the project will provide the opportunity for young people to study from home, at any time. The creation of a MOOC will provide instant access to the full suite of educational material developed through the project that can have a worldwide impact making a significant and long-lasting difference in the future of teaching and learning process in Europe. The project will also provide all the relevant methodology to enhance the capacity and knowledge of young people in organizing digital Hackathons and virtual Panels, for discussions about Arts and Culture.
6 different organisations across Europe will work together for the successful implementation of the SIDE Project:
- Ce.F.A.S. – Centro di Formazione ed Alta Specializzazione – Italy
- Danube 1245 -Serbia
- Europejska Fundacja na Rzecz Wspierania Rozwoju – Poland
The partnership will capitalize and build on each other’s knowledge and expertise, as well as experience from best practices in their national context. Since the needs are common between EU countries, the SIDE Project’s objective will be widened, and its transnational character will produce valid tools that could be transferable and applied in other EU contexts.