Posting of workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, current challenges, and future prospects

The aim of the project is to outline the most visible and immediate impacts of the recent pandemic crisis on the manufacturing workers’ posting process by giving some critical and constructive reflection, from perspective of posted workers, companies, social partners, employers and stakeholders from sending and receiving countries.
The project is focused on the evidence based concerning posting of the workers in manufacturing sector and the services of installation of machines for manufacturing, it provides the up-to-date comprehensive analysis of the impact of COVID19 on the posting process in manufacturing sector. The project will involve those posted workers, companies, and employers from sending, and receiving countries who were affected by the pandemic. Providing the real-life experience, examples in the form of stories and the podcasts will reinforce the proofs of the research and will improve the understanding of the current challenges of the posted workers.
The project is divided into 2 Work Packages:
(1) Project Management and dissemination.
(2) Research and gathering evidence.
In the project participates 9 different stakeholders from 7 countries.