Palimpsest Cities: Gamification and Storytelling for Architectural History and Cultural Heritage Awareness

The main aim of the Palimpsest Cities project is to create architectural history and cultural heritage awareness, especially for multilayered cities. Also, the project intends to change the mentality of students and the public, starting with underrepresented groups.
The second aim of the project is to provide a mobile guide that could be used by disabled people, refugees and those who have not the opportunity to physically visit the historic sites that the project will cover due to various reasons including economic obstacles, geographical obstacles, cultural differences and intertwines various digital and physical activities within a new curriculum.
The consortium will implement 3 Work Packages:
1. Project Management
2. Creating the curriculum for a new course on architectural history and cultural heritage awareness for multi-layered cities
3. Testing the new curriculum with test lectures & implementations, and evaluating the impact of this new approach.
The partnership came from:
• Turkey (Alanya Hamdullah Emin Pasa Universitesi – AHEP & Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University – MSGSU
• Romania (Asociatia De-A Arhitectura)
• Greece (Center for Education & Innovation – InnovED)
Project’s code: 2022-1-TR01-KA220-HED-000089912
Social media of the project:
Facebook Page